JOA-IT Questions Paper Set-5 Database-Management-html-C++

Database-Management-HTML-C++ Questions Paper Set-5 for JOA-IT exam-


Database Management Questions and Answers

(1) What is full form of DBMS?

(A) Database Manual System

(B) Database Management Structure

(C) Database Management System

(D) Database Merging System

(2) Software designed to store, retrieve, define and manage data in database is called-

(A) Database

(B) File allocation system

(C) Management allocation system

(D) Data retrieve system

(3) What is Full Form Of FAT?

(A) File Archive Tree

(B) File Allocation Table

(C) File Allocation transfer

(D) None of these

(4) A logical data structure with one to many relationship is a- 

(A) Network   (B) Chain   (C) Tree    (D) All of the above

(5) A large store of data accumulated from a wide range of sources is called-

(A) Data Management  (2) Data warehouse  (3) Data mining   (4) None of these

(6) Which database handles full text data, image, audio and video?

(A) Graphic database (B) Multimedia database 

(C) Transaction database   (D) Video ondemand database

(7) Adding, Changing, and deleting file records is called-

(A) Updating   (B) Upgrading  (C) Renewing   (D) Reconstructing

(8) The level of data abstraction which describes how the data is actually stored is-

(A) Conceptual Level  (B) Logical Level   (C) physical Level   (D) File Level

(9) Computer manipulate data in many ways, its manipulation is called-

(A) Storing   (B) Compiling   (C) File handeling   (D) Processing 

(10) The information stored in the catalog of a databse is called- 

(A) Distributed data   (B) Raw data   (C) Encapsulated data   (D) Meta data

(11) What is full form of SQL?

(A) Structure query list  (B) Structure query language 

(C) Sample query language  (D) None of these

(12) Which statement is use to delete all rows in a table without having the action logged?

(A) Delete   (B) Remove  (C) Truncate  (D) Drop

(13) SQL views also known as

(A) Virtual tables  (B) Complex table   (C) Simple table  (D) Actual table

(14) How many primary Keys can have in a table?

(A) Only one  (B) Only two  (C) depends upon rows  (D) depend upon tables

(15) Which SQL statement is used to extract data from a database?

(A) Open   (B) Select  (C) Extract   (D) Get

JOA-IT Questions-Paper Set-3

(16) Which SQL statement is used to add new data in database?

(A) Select   (B) Update   (C) Insert   (D) none of the above

(17) Which SQL statement is use to update the data of an existing table in database?

(A) Insert (B) Update (C) Extract (D) Delete

(18) Which SQL statement is used to DELETE data from database?

(A) Open   (B) Select  (C) Extract   (D) Delete

(19) Which key is not a type of constraint in SQL language?

(A)  Foreign key  (B) Unique key  (C) Alternate key  (D) Primary key

(20) Which SQL function is use to count the number of rows in SQL query?

(A) Count()  (B) Number()  (C) Add()  (D) Sum()

HTML Questions and Answers-

(1). HTML <iframe> tag specifies-

(A). an inline frame
(B). used to  display a web page within a web page
(C). Both A and B
(D). makes HTML pages more dynamic and interactive

(2). Which value is used to remove the border around the iframe?

(A). border: none;
(B). border: no;
(C). border: clear;
(D). none of these

(3). JavaScript makes HTML pages-

(A). static and interactive.
(B). more dynamic and interactive.
(C). more beautiful and interactive.
(D). regular and absolute

(4). HTML <script> tag is used to define-

(A). a client-side script
(B). JavaScript
(C). the script of the website
(D). Both A and B

(5). JavaScrip common uses in HTML are-

(A). Image manipulation
(B). dynamic changes in content
(C). Form validation
(D). All of these

(6). HTML <noscript> tag defines-

(A). an alternate content to be displayed to users that have disabled scripts in their browser 
(B). have a browser that doesn’t support scripts
(C). both a and b
(D). none of these

(7). What a file path describes in a web site’s folder structure?

(A). the location of a file 
(B). the location of a page
(C). the location of site URL
(D). none of these

(8). Where are File paths are used, when linking to external files?

(A). Web pages
(B). Images
(C). Style sheets, JavaScripts
(D). All of these

(9). An absolute file path is –

(A). the full URL to a file
(B). file relative to the current page.
(C). the images folder located at the root of the current web
(D). All of these

(10). Relative File Paths to a-

(A). file relative to the current page
(B). file relative to another page
(C). file relative to another website
(D). None of these

(11). <head> element is a container for metadata and is placed between-

(A). between <html> and <body> tag
(B). between <body> and </body> tag 
(C). between <titlle> tag
(D). None of these

(12). HTML <head> element is a container-

(A). title, style
(B). meta, link
(C). script, base
(D). All of these

(13). What is correct about the “title” element?

(A). defines a title in the browser toolbar
(B). displays a title for the page in search engine results
(C). provides a title for the page when it is added to favourites
(D). all of these

(14). “link” element defines-

(A). The relationship between the current document and an external resource.
(B). The relationship between the current document and an internal resource.
(C). The relationship between the current website and its pages
(D). None of these

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(15). Why <meta> element is used?

(A). to specify the character set
(B). to specify the page description
(C). to specify the keywords, author of the document, viewport settings
(D). All of these

(16). “base” element specifies-

(A). the base URL and/or target for all relative URLs in a page
(B). container for metadata
(C). client-side JavaScripts
(D).  All of these

(17). “header” defines- 

(A). navigation links (this option defines for <nav> tag)
(B).  a section in a document (this option for <section> tag)
(C).  content aside from the content (this option for <aside>tag)
(D).  the header for a document or a section

(18).  “footer” Defines-

(A). footer for a document or a section
(B). additional details that the user can open and close on demand  (this option defines<detail> element)
(C). a heading for the <details> element (this option defines <summary> elememt)
(D). None of these

(19). What is html Responsive Web Design?

(A). HTML and CSS to automatically resize, hide, a website, to make it look good on all devices
(B). HTML and CSS to automatically shrink, or enlarge, a website, to make it look good on all devices
(C). Both A and B
(D). None of these

(20). In html computer programming code if-
x= 5;
y= 6;
z= x+y;
how browser show it?
(A). x = 5; y = 6; z = x + y;
(B). X= 5; y= 6;
(C). 11
(D). none of these


(21). Which HTML element is used to define keyboard input?

(A). <kbd>
(B). <kdb>
(C). <keybd>
(D). None of these

(22). Which HTML element is used to define a piece of computer code?

(A). <code>
(B). <html>
(C). <body>
(D). All of these

(23). Which element defines a variable in programming or in a mathematical expression?

(A). <VAR>
(B). <vr>
(C). <var>
(D). Both A and B

(24). A “footer” element typically contains-

(A). authorship information, copyright information
(B). contact information, sitemap
(C). back to top links, related documents
(D). All of these

(25). Which entities are used to display reserved characters in HTML?

(A). Character entities
(B). Users entities
(C). Both A and B
(D). None of these

(26). What is the full form of URL?

(A). Uniform Resource Locator
(B). Uniform Resource Location
(C). Uniform Renowned Location
(D). None of these

(27). Which HTML element is used to create an HTML form for user input?

(A). <FORM>
(B). <form>
(C). <level>
(D). None of these

(28). What input is given to display a radio button?

(A). <input type=”radio”>
(B). <input type=”checkbox”> (Displays a checkbox)
(C). <input type=”submit”>    (Displays a submit button)
(D). <input type=”button”>     (Displays a clickable button)

(29). Which attribute defines the action to be performed when the form is submitted?

(A). action 
(B). form
(C). level
(D). input

(30). What is true about “GET” method?

(A). Appends the form data to the URL, in name/value pairs
(B). The length of a URL is limited
(C). Useful for form submissions where a user wants to bookmark the result
(D). All of these

(31). What is true about “post” method?

(A). The submitted form data is not shown in the URL
(B). No size limitations, and can be used to send large amounts of data
(C). Form submissions with POST cannot be bookmarked
(D). All of these

(32). Which attribute specifies whether a form should have autocomplete on or off?

(A). autocomplete
(B). self-complete
(C). on-off complete
(D). None of these

(33). Which html form attribute is a boolean attribute?

(A). validate
(B). novalidate
(C). Both A and B
(D). None of these

(34) Which attribute specifies the relationship between a linked resource and the current document?

(A). target
(B). rel
(C). href
(D). none of these

(35). Which tag specifies a list of pre-defined options for input controls?

(A). <datalist>
(B). <input>
(C). <optgroup>
(D). All of these


C++ Questions and Answers

(01) Who invented C++  programming?

Ans: Bjarne Stroustrup

(02) C++ is which kind of programming?

Ans: Object oriented programming

(03) What is an object in C++

Ans:  It is an entity that has a state and behaviour. (e.g chair,car,pen etc.)

(04) What do you mean by ‘function’ in C++ 

Ans: A function declaration tells the compiler about a function’s name, return type, and parameters.

(05) What is data?

Ans: Collection of facts or some information

(06) Data can be of many types…..

Ans: A number, character, floating point etc.

(07) C++ supports which two categories of data types?

Ans: a) Basic data types b) Derived data types

(08) Which kind of basic data types supported by C++

Ans:  Integer, floating-point, character, and void data types

(09) Which kind of derived data types supported by C++

Ans: Constants, are s, functions, pointers,structures,classes,enumerations,and functions

(10) What is Token in C++

Ans: A token is a group of character that logically belong together

(11) C++ supports the following types of tokens are: ……

Ans: Identifiers, Keywords, Constants, and variables

(12) What is constant?

Ans: A number that does not change its value during the execution of a program

(13) What are the variables?

Ans: A variable is the name of the memory location.

(14) Define class in C++?

Ans: Class is referred to as the designing of the user-defined data type.

(15) Define object in C++?

Ans: Object is an instance of the class.

(16) Define Encapsulation in C++?

Ans: Encapsulation is the process of binding together the data and functions in a class.

(17) What is Abstraction in C++?

Ans: An abstraction in C++ is hiding the internal implementations and displaying only the required details.

(18) What is Inheritance in C++?

Ans: C++ allows classes to inherit some of the commonly used state and behaviour from other classes.

(19) What is Polymorphism?

Ans: It occurs when we have many classes that are related to each other by inheritance.


(20) What is the function of the keyword “Volatile”?

Ans: A volatile can be changed from outside the compiled code (for example, a program may map a volatile variable to a memory-mapped register.)

(21) Define storage class in C++? Name some?

Ans: Storage class in C++ specifically resemble life or even the scope of symbols, including the variables, functions, etc. Some of the storage class names in C++ include mutable, auto, static, extern, register, etc.

(22) What is ‘this’ Pointer?

Ans: The ‘this’ pointer is a constant pointer, and it holds the memory address of the current object.

(23) Can we provide one default constructor for our class?

Ans: NO

(24) What are Manipulators?

Ans: Manipulators are helper functions that make it possible to control input/output streams using operator<< or operator>>.

(25) What is setw( ) Manipulator?

Ans: The setw( ) an operator that can be inserted directly into input-output statements.

(26) What is Endl Manipulator?

Ans: The Endl( ) manipulator can be inserted into the count statement at the place where it is desired to take the rest of the display on to the next line.

(27) What is an operator?

Ans: An operator is a symbol or letter used to indicate a specific operation on variables in the program

(28) How many types of Inheritance?

Ans: 5 Types: Single, Multiple, Hierarchical, Multilevel and Hybrid/Virtual

(29) How many types of Operators in C++?

Ans: 6 Types: Arithmetic, Logical, Bitwise, Relational, Assignment and Miscellaneous

(30) What is Functional Overloading?

Ans: Which have the same name but different parameter

(31) What is Functional Overriding?

Ans: Class have a member function with the exact the same name,same return type and same argument list.

(32) Which of the following is the correct syntax to read the single character to console in the C++ language?

(a) Read ch()
(b) Getline vh()
(c) Scanf ch()
(d) get ch()

(33) Which of the following statements is correct about the formal parameters in C++?

(a)  Variables that are never used in the function
(b) Parameters that are used in the definition of the function
(c) Parameters with which functions are called
(d) Variables other than passed parameters in a function

Ans: c

(34) Which of the following features is required to be supported by the programming language to become a pure object-oriented programming language?

(a) Encapsulation
(b) Polymorphism
(c) Inheritance
(d) All of the above

Ans: d

(35) C++ is a ___ type of language?

(a) Low-level languages
(b) High-Level languages
(c) Middle-level languages
(d) None of the above

Ans: c

(36) Which of the following refers to characteristics of an array?

(a) An array can hold different types of datatypes
(b) An array is a set of distinct data items
(c) An array is a set of similar data items
(d) None of the above

Ans: c

(37) Which type of memory is used by an Array in C++ programming language?

(a) None-contiguous
(b) Contiguous
(c) Both a and b
(d) Cache

Ans: b

(38) How many types of array are there in the C++ programming language?

(a) Three types of arrays
(b) five types of arrays
(c) Two types of arrays
(d) Two types of arrays

Ans: d

(39) What did we call an array of the one-dimensional array?

(a) Single-Dimensional array
(b) Multi-Dimensional array
(c) 2D Array (or 2-Dimensional array)
(a) Both a and b

Ans: c

(40) Which types of arrays are always considered as linear arrays?

(a) Single-Dimensional
(b) Multi-Dimensional
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of the above

Ans: a

Question Paper Set-3

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