JOA-IT Questions Set-4- HTML,C,MS Power POINT

JOA-IT Questions And Answers-


Get JOA-IT Questions and Answers of html, C language and MS power point

HTML section: Q.1 to Q.40 –

(1). Which Formatting element is used to bold the text?

(A). <B>

(B). <b>

(C). <v>

(D). <V>

(2). <strong> represent the texts-

(A). Inserted text

(B). Subscript text

(C). Important text

(D). Emphasized text

(3). Italic text represent by which HTML element?

(A). <I>

(B). <i>

(C). <ins>

(D). <sub>

(4).  Emphasized text represent by which HTML element?

(A). <EMP>

(B).  <emp>

(C).  <em>

(D).  <epm>

(5). <mark>represent the texts-

(A). marked text

(B). Subscript text

(C). Inserted text

(D). Superscript text

(6). <ins>represent the texts-

(A). Inserted text

(B). Italic text

(C).  Important text

(D). Deleted text

(7). Deleted text represent by which HTML element?

(A). <del>

(B). <dle>

(C).  <dil>

(D).  <dl>

(8). Subscript text represent by which HTML element?

(A). <sub>

(B). <sb>

(C). <spt>

(D). <sst>

(9). Superscript text represent by which HTML element?

(A). <SUP>

(B). <sup>

(C). <sst>

(D). <spt>

(10). Which is true about <b> element?

(A). defines the bold text, without any extra importance

(B). defines the bold text, with extra importance

(C). defines important text

(D). none of these

(11). Which is true about <strong> element?

(A). defines bold text,

(B). define extra importance

(C). Both of them

(D). None of these

(12). Which is true about <i> element?

(A). defines a part of the text in an alternate voice or mood

(B). content is displayed in italic.

(C). emphasized text

(D). Both A and B

(13). Which is true about <em> element?

(A). defines emphasized text

(B). displayed in italic

(C). display bold text

(D). Both A and B

(14). Which HTML element defines a section that is quoted from another source?

(A). <blockquote>

(B). <q>

(C). <cite>

(D). none of these

(15). Which tag defines a short quotation?

(A). <q>

(B). <cite>

(C). None of these

(D). Both A and B

JOA-IT Questions

(16). Marking abbreviations can give useful information to browsers, translation systems and search-engines. Which HTML tag defines an abbreviation or an acronym?

(A). <abbr>

(B). <bdo>

(C). <abb>

(D). <bdd>

(17). Which tag defines the contact information for the author/owner of a document or an article?

(A). <address>

(B). <contact>

(C). <add>

(D). none of these

(18). Which tag defines the title of creative work?

(A). <cite>

(B). <blackquote>

(C). Both A and B

(D). None of these

(19). Which tag is used to override the current text direction?

(A). <bdo>

(B). <bdi>

(C). <bd>

(D). None of these ..

(20). The “target” attribute specifies where to open the linked document, one of target attribute value “_self” specifies-

(A). Opens the document in the same window/tab as it was clicked

(B). Opens the document in a new window or tab (note-  _blank value used for this option)

(C). Opens the document in the parent frame (note- _parent value used for this option)

(D). All of these…

(21). If we have to create a link that opens the user’s email program, then what we should use inside href attribute?

(A). mailto:

(B). mail:to

(C). mailme:

(D). none of these

(22). If we use javascript to run html button link, then what value of javascript given with button tag?

(A). oneclick

(B). onclick

(C). both

(D).  none of these

(23). What is true about the Link titles attribute?

(A). extra information about an element

(B). shown as a tooltip text when the mouse moves over the element.

(C). Both 

(D). None of these

(24). HTML links can be used to create bookmarks, Which attribute is used to create a bookmark?

(A). id

(B). class

(C). style

(D). all of these

(25). Which attribute is used to link a bookmark?

(A). href

(B). hfer

(C). hr

(D). herf

(26). which HTML  tag defines an image map?

(A). <MAP>

(B). <img map>

(C). <map>

(D). none of these

(27). Which tag defines an HTML table?

(A). <table>

(B). <td>

(C). <tr>

(D). <ul>

(28). Which element is used to define a table row?

(A). <tr>

(B). <td>

(C). <th>

(D). none of these

(29). Which element is used to define table data?

(A). <tr>

(B). <td>

(C). Both A and B

(D). None of these

(30). HTML <th> element used to define a table –

(A). Table data

(B). Table header

(C). Table caption

(D). All of these

(31). HTML <caption> element is used to define a table

(A). caption

(B). cell span

(C). row span

(D). None of these

(32). HTML <ul> tag defines..

(A). an unordered list.

(B). bulleted list.

(C). Both A and B

(D). None of these

(33). List item starts by which tag?

(A). li

(B). ol

(C). ul

(D). All of these

(34). what HTML <ol> tag defines

(A).  ordered list

(B). unordered list

(C). bullet list

(D). none of these

(35). type=”1″ attribute of the <ol> tag, defines-

(A). List items will be numbered with uppercase letters

(B). List items will be numbered with lowercase letters

(C). List items will be numbered with uppercase roman numbers

(D). List items will be numbered with numbers 

(36). type=”A” attribute of the <ol> tag, defines-

(A). List items will be numbered with uppercase roman numbers

(B). List items will be numbered with lowercase letters

(C). List items will be numbered with uppercase letters

(D). None of these

(37). type=”a” attribute of the <ol> tag, defines-

(A). List items will be numbered with lowercase letters

(B). List items will be numbered with uppercase roman numbers

(C). List items will be numbered with uppercase letters

(D). All of these

(38). type=”I” attribute of the <ol> tag, defines-

(A). List items will be numbered with uppercase roman numbers

(B). List items will be numbered with uppercase letters

(C). List items will be numbered with lowercase roman numbers

(D). None of these

(39). type=”i” attribute of the <ol> tag, defines-

(A). List items will be numbered with lowercase roman numbers

(B). List items will be numbered with lowercase roman numbers

(C). List items will be numbered with uppercase letters

(D). All of these

(40). Which tag defines the description list?

(A). dl

(B). dt (This tag defines the term )

(C). dd (This tag describe the term in a description list)

(D). None of these

C Language-

(1) Who is the father of C language?

(A) Bjarne Stroustrup  (B) James A gosling (C) Dennis ritchie  (D) Dr. ef codd

(2) How many keyword’s in C?

(A) 0  (B) 32  (C) 48 (D) 56

(3) How many types of loop in C?

(A) 1  (B) 2  (C) 3  (D) 4

(4) Which of the following functions is user defined?

(A) Print f  (B) Scan f  (C) main (D) none of these

(5) void occupy how many bites in memory?

(A) 8  (B) 0  (C) 5  (D) 4

(6) In C, we used for input/output?

(A) cin&out  (B) input&output   (C) scanf & printf  (D) none of these

(7) In which year C language is developed?

(A) 1979  (B) 1981  (C) 1972   (D) 1995

(8) C is which type of language?

(A) Object oriented language  (B) Procedural Oriented Programming  

(C) Sem-Object oriented language  (D) None of these

(9) Name the loop that executes atleast once?

(A) While  (B) Do-while  (C) for (D) For each

(10) Prototype of a function means________

(A) Name of function  (B) Output of function (C) Declaration of function  (D) Input of a function

(11) Which of the following is not valid storage class?

(A) Auto  (B) extern (C) dynamic (D) Register

(12) Which type of statement is ‘break’ in C language?

(A) Conditional statement  (B) Jump statement  (C) Looping statement (D) none of these

(13) What is required in each C program?

(A) The program must have at least one function

(B) The program does not require any function

(C) Input data

(D) Output data

(14) C Language developed at _____?

(A) AT & T’s Bell Laboratories of USA in 1972   (B) AT & T’s Bell Laboratories of USA in 1970

(C) Sun Microsystems in 1973   (D) Cambridge University in 1972

(15) C programs are converted into machine language with the help of:

(A) An Editor  (B) A compiler  (C) An operating system  (D) None of the above

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(16) Which of the following is allowed in a C Arithmetic instruction:

(A) []   (B) {} (C) ()  (D) None of the above

(17) What is an array?

(A) An array is a collection of variables that are of the dissimilar data type.
(B) An array is a collection of variables that are of the same data type.
(C) An array is not a collection of variables that are of the same data type.
(D) None of the above.

(18) An array elements are always stored in _________ memory locations.

(A) Sequential
(B) Random
(C) Sequential and Random
(D) None of the above

(19) What is Keywords?

(A) Keywords have some predefine meanings and these meanings can be changed.
(B) Keywords have some unknown meanings and these meanings cannot be changed.
(C) Keywords have some predefine meanings and these meanings cannot be changed.
(D) None of the above

(20) What is constant?

(A) Constants have fixed values that do not change during the execution of a program
(B) Constants have fixed values that change during the execution of a program
(C) Constants have unknown values that may be change during the execution of a program
(D) None of the above

(21) Which is the right way to declare constant in C?

(A) int constant var =10;  (B) int const var = 10;  (C) const int var = 10;  (D) B & C Both

(22) In switch statement, each case instance value must be _______?

(A) Constant   (B) Variable   (C) Special Symbol   (D) None of the above

(23) What is the work of break keyword?

(A) Halt execution of program  (B) Restart execution of program
(C) Exit from loop or switch statement  (D) None of the above

(24) What is function?

(A) Function is a block of statements that perform some specific task.
(B) Function is the fundamental modular unit. A function is usually designed to perform a specific
(C) Function is a block of code that performs a specific task. It has a name and it is reusable
(D) All the above

(25) Which one of the following sentences is true ?

(A) The body of a while loop is executed at least once.
(B) The body of a do … while loop is executed at least once.
(C) The body of a do … while loop is executed zero or more times.
(D) A for loop can never be used in place of a while loop.

(26) Which one of the following is not a linear data structure?

(A) Array
(B) Binary Tree
(C) Queue
(D) Stack

(27) Recursive functions are executed in a?

(A) First In First Out Order
(B) Load Balancing
(C) Parallel Fashion
(D) Last In First Out Order

(28) The “C” language is:

(A) Context free language
(B) Context sensitive language
(C) Regular language
(D) None of the above

(29) Which of the following user-defined datatype share it’s memory each other?

(A) Structure   (B) Union   (C) Class   (D) Array

(30) Which standard liberary file Printf & Scanf is located?

(A) conio.h   (B) string.h   (C) math.h    (D) stdio.h

(31) Can we print normal variable inside static function?

(A) Yes

(B) No

(32) How many way to calling of function in C language?

(A) One  (B) Two  (C) Three  (D) Four

(33) Which of the following more memory efficient?

(A) Both A&B (B) Union (C) Structure (D) Depends on system

(34) What is the index number of the last element of an array in 5 elements?

(A) 3  (B) 4 (C) 5 (D) 0

(35) The parameters specified in the function called:

(A) Value parameter (B) Formal parameter  (C) Actual parameter 

(D) None of these

(36) How the values are passed to the function by default?

(A) Call by refrence  (B) Call by value  (C) Call by pointer (D) all of above

(37) Each statement in a C program should end with?

(A) Colon : (B) semi colon;  (C) dot. (D) all of the above

(38) All keywords in C are in-

(A) Camel case letter  (B) Lower case letter  (C) Uppercase letter  (D) All of the above

(39) Which type of extension is required to save a C program?

(A) .C  (B) .CPP  (C) .HTML  (D) .PHP

(40) How many characters can a string hold when declared as follows?

(A) 19 (B) 20 (C) 18 (D)

JOA-IT Questions-

MS PowerPoint Question Answer

(01) Which file format can be added to a power point show?

(A) .gif
(B) .jpg
(C) .wav
(D) All of above

Ans: d

(02) How to select one hyperlink after another during a slide presentation?

(a) Ctrl+K
(b) Ctrl+D
(c) Ctrl+H
(d) Tab

Ans: d

(03) Which tab is not available on left panel when you open a presentation?

(a) Outlines
(b) Slides
(c) Notes
(d) All of the above


(04) Which power point view works best for adding slide transition?

(a) Animations
(b) Chart Wizard
(c) Transition Wizard
(d) Auto Content Wizard

Ans: d

(05) which of the following statement is not true

(a) You can type text directly into a PowerPoint slide but typing in text box is more convenient.
(b) From Insert menu choose Picture and then File to insert your images into slides
(c) You can view a PowerPoint presentation in Normal, Slide Sorter or Slide Show view
(d) You can show or hide task pane from View >> Toolbars

Ans: a

(06) Which power point view works best for adding slide transition?

(a) Slide sorter view
(b) Slide show view
(c) Slide view
(d) Notes

Ans: a

(07) To start Microsoft PowerPoint application

(a) Click on Start > Programs > All Programs > Microsoft PowerPoint
(b) Hit Ctrl+R then type ppoint.exe and Enter
(c) Click Start > Run then type powerpnt then press Enter
(d) All of the above

Ans: c

(08) You can edit an embedded organization chart object by ?

(a) Double clicking the organization chart object.
(b) Clicking edit object
(c) Right clicking the chart object, then clicking edit MS-Organization Chart object.
(d) A and C both

Ans: d

(09) which of the following section does not exist in a slide layout?

(a) Titles
(b) Lists
(c) Charts
(d) Animations

Ans: d

 (10) Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are known as ?

(a) Transition
(b) Effects
(c) Custom animations
(d) Annotations

Ans: a

(11) PowerPoint presentations are widely used as?

(a) Note outlines for teachers
(b) Project presentations by students
(c) Communication of planning
(d) All of the above

Ans: d

(12) Slide sorter can be accessed from which menu?

(a) View
(b) Edit
(c) File
(d) Insert

Ans: a

(13) ……………………controls all the the main slide control tasks for your presentation?

(a) Task Pane
(b) Task bar
(c) Control pannel
(d) None of the above

Ans: a

(14) To print power point presentation, press:

(a) Ctrl+P
(b) Ctrl+S
(c) Ctrl+Shift+P
(d) Ctrl+A

Ans: a

(15) which of the following cannot be toggled from view > toolbars?

(a) Control toolbox
(b) Slides
(c) Revision
(d) Reviewing

Ans: b

(16) What would I choose to create a pre-formatted style?

(a) Format
(b) Slide layout
(c) Slide sorter view
(d) None of above

Ans: a

(17) Which of the following is not available in task pane?

(a) Getting started
(b) Clip art
(c) Word art
(d) Search results

Ans: c

(18) To edit a chart, we can

(a) Click and drag the chart object
(b) Double click the chart object
(c) Triple click the chart object
(d) Click the chart object

Ans: b

(19) which of the following paint is not available in task pane?

(a) slide design
(b) master slide
(c) slide layout
(d) slide transition

Ans: b

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(20) To preview a motion path effect using the custom animation task pane, we should

(a) Double click the motion path
(b) Click the show effect button
(c) Click the play button
(d) None of above

Ans: c

(21) You can create a new presentation by completing all of the following except

(a) Clicking the new button on the standard toolbar
(b) Clicking file, new
(c) Pressing ctrl+N
(d) Clicking file open

Ans: d

(22) What is the term used when you press and hold the left mouse key and more the mouse around the slide?

(a) Moving
(b) Dragging
(c) Monitoring
(d) Highlightin

Ans: b

(23) What term describes a background that appears as a grainy, non-smooth surface?

(a) Pattern
(b) Gradient
(c) Velvet
(d) Texture

Ans: b

(24) Which of the following views is the best view to use when setting transition effects for all slides in a presentation?

(a) Slide
(b) Notes page view
(c) Outline view
(d) Slide sorter view

Ans: d

(25) Which of the following will not advance the slides in a slide show view?

(a) The mouse buttons
(b) The enter key
(c) The tab key
(d) The esc key

Ans: d

(26) Which option can be used to set custom timings for slides in a presentation?

(a) Slider Timings
(b) Slider Timer
(c) Rehearsal
(d) Slide Show Setup

Ans: c

(27) Which type of fonts are best suite for titles and headlines?

(a) Sans Serif Fonts
(b) Picture Fonts
(c) Text Fonts
(d) Serif Fonts

Ans: a

(28) Which key can be used to view Slide show?

(a) F7
(b) F2
(c)  F5
(d) F8

Ans: c

(29) Which of the following can you use to add times to the slides in a presentation?

(a) Rehearse timing button
(b) Slice show menu
(c) Slide transition button
(d) All of the above

Ans: a

(30) A new presentation can be created from

(a) From Design template
(b) From existing Presentation
(c) Blank Presentation
(d) All of the above

Ans: d

(31) How can we view slide show repeated continuously?

(a) Loop continuously until Esc
(b) Repeat continuously
(c) loop more
(d) None of these

Ans: a

(32) In slide layout panel how many layouts are available for text layout by default?

(a) 8
(b) 4
(c) 9
(d) None of the above

Ans: b

(33) which of the following statement is false?

(a) Blank Slide is at the top of the ‘Content Layouts’ area in the Slide Layout panel
(b) If you choose to select from one of the pre-made slide layouts, you can change the positioning
(c) If you choose to select from the pre-made slide layouts, you cannot delete the objects in the layout
(d) All of the above

Ans: c

(34) What lets you to create new presentation by selecting ready-made font color and graphics effects?

(a) Presentation template
(b) Master slide
(c) Design template
(d) Animation scheme

Ans: c

(35) Which command will you use in PowerPoint if you need to change the color of different objects without changing content?

(a) Design template
(b) Colour scheme
(c) Font colour
(d) Object colour

Ans: b

(36) What PowerPoint feature will you see it were flying motion effects to different objects of a slide?

(a) Slide transition
(b) Slide design
(c) Animation objects
(d) Animation scheme

Ans: d

(37) How can we stop a slide show?

(a) Press the right arrow
(b) Press Ctrl+A
(c) Press Escape
(d) Press Ctrl+S

Ans: c

(38) The spelling dialog box can be involved by choosing spelling from……menu.

(a) Tools
(b) View
(c) File
(d) Insert

Ans: a

(39) Which key do you press to check spelling?

(a) F9
(b) F2
(c) F7
(d) F5

Ans: c

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(40) Powerpoint slides can have?

(a) text, title, graphs
(b) clipart, drawn art, visual
(c) drawn objects, shapes
(d) any of the above

Ans: d

(41) To open the existing presentation, press

(a) Ctrl+M
(b) Ctrl+L
(c) Ctrl+G
(d) Ctrl+O

Ans: d

(42) Ellipse Motion is a predefined……….

(a) Color Scheme
(b) Design Template
(c) Raw Scheme
(d) None of above

Ans: a

(43) A file which contains ready made styles that can be used for a presentation is called………?

(a) Auto Style
(b) Pre-formatting
(c) Template
(d)  Wizard

Ans: c

(44) Which menu provides you option like animation scheme, custom animation, slide transition?

(a) Tool menu
(b) Slide show menu
(c) Insert menu
(d) Format menu

Ans: b

(45) which shortcut key insert a new slide in current presentation?

(a) Ctrl+d
(b) Ctrl+g
(c) Ctrl+h
(d) Ctrl+m

Ans: d

(46) From which menu you can access picture, textbox, chart etc.?

(a) Insert
(b) View
(c) File
(d) Edit

Ans: a

(47) What are the three option available in insert> picture menu?

(a) Pictures, Shapes, Clipart
(b) Clipart, Picture, Autoshape
(c) Clipart, From files, Autoshapes
(d) Clipart,Picture,Autoshape

Ans: c

(48) To insert a hyperlink in a slide?

(a) Choose Insert >> hyperlink
(b) Press ctrl+k
(c) Hyperlinks can’t be inserted in slides
(d) Both a and b

Ans: d

(49) Which of the following font effect is available in PowerPoint font dialog box?

(a) Emboss
(b) Shadow
(c) Strike through
(d) Underline

Ans: c

(50) If you select insert> picture> from file

(a)  You can clipcart only
(b) You can insert pictures only
(c) You can insert pictures and clipcart
(d) None of the above

Ans: b

(51) To start slideshow of a presentation

(a) From slideshow menu choose view show option
(b) From slide show menu choose rehearse timing
(c) Hit H5 key
(d) Both a and c

Ans: d

(52) in Micro soft Power Point two kinds of sound effects file that can be added to the presentation are

(a) .wav file and.mid files
(b) .wav file and.gif files
(c) .wav file and.gif files
(d) .jpg files and.gif files

Ans: a

(53) Material consisting of text and numbers is best presented as

(a) Title slide
(a) Bullet slide
(c) A table slide
(d) All of the above

Ans: c

(54) what is a motion path?

(a) A type of animation entrance effect
(b) Method of moving items on a slide
(c) A method of advancing slides
(d) All of the above


(55) In the context of animations, what is a trigger?

(a) An item on the slide that performs an action when clicked
(b) An action button that advances to the next slide
(c) The name of a motion path
(d) All of the above

Ans: a

(56) In order to edit a chart, you can

(a) Click and drag the chart object
(b) Double click the chart object
(c) Click the chart object
(d) Triple click the chart object

Ans: b

(57) The term used when you press the hold and left Mouse key and move the mouse around the slide is

(a) Selecting
(b) Moving
(c) Highlighting
(d) Dragging

Ans: d

(58) What is the term used when a Clipart image change the direction of faces

(a) Rotate
(b) Flip
(c) Group
(d) All of the above

Ans: a

(59) Which of the following is the default page setup orientation of slide in PowerPoint

(a) Vertical
(b) Portrait
(c) Landscape
(d) None of the above

Ans: c

(60) What is Defined by the handout master

(a) Layout of audience hand out notes
(b) Slide formatting
(c) Handout content formatting for Microsoft Word export
(d) All of the above

Ans: a


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